Little Castle will continue to provide services unless we are not able to sufficiently care for the children. We will take precautions to keep everyone healthy and safe. We will keep all our families up to date via tadpoles and Facebook.
Social distancing strategies:
-Little Castle will abide by guidelines in the New Mexico Health and Safety Guidance for group sizes.
-We will limit the mixing of children; this will be done on the playground as well as in the classroom.
-Face covers are required for children over the age of 3, when feasible. Children will not wear face coverings while eating or napping.
Parent Arrival and Departure:
-Only one family will be in our lobby area at a time.
-Children will be handed off to a teacher at the door.
-Before children enter the building, they will have their temperature checked. If your child reads at 100 degrees or more, they will not be permitted to stay.
-A visual inspection of the child for signs of illness which include but are not limited to flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing, fatigue, extreme fussiness.
-Little Castle can refuse a child if it is believed the child has been exposed to or has symptoms of COVID.
-If parents are ill, the child will not be admitted and should remain home with the parent.
-Individuals will be excluded from the center if any of the following are true
1. They have experienced symptoms of a respiratory illness in the last 14 days.
2. They have been in contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
3. They are at elevated risk due to underlying health conditions.
We are taking the following steps each day.
- Classroom and all surfaces are disinfected daily.
- Children wash hands as they enter the classroom, before and after meals, after outside play time, after touching their face, blowing their nose, etc.
- Heath checks are done daily.
- Teachers have been advised of best practice for cleaning and disinfecting.
Steps Little Castle will take if a child, parent, or staff member develop COVID-19 or symptoms:
-Those stated above will be excluded from Little Castle facilities until diagnosis
-If a child or staff member develop symptoms of COVID-19 while at the center they will be immediately separated from others and will go home for 14 days. Please seek guidance from NMDOH if symptoms worsen or you need to be tested. A parent must pick up their child within 30 minutes.
-If a child, parent, or staff member test positive for COVID-19 our facility will close temporarily, length of closure will depend on licensing and NMDOH Please contact NMDOH for them to identify who needs to quarantine.
-Families will be notified if their child needs to be tested or quarantined.
Tuition in the event of closure:
-Should Little Castle be forced to close due to positive COVID results, there will be no reduction in tuition.